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3 posts tagged with "rails"

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· 2 min read
Ken Collins

As described in AJ Stuyvenberg's post on the topic Understanding AWS Lambda Proactive Initialization, AWS Lambda may have solved some of your cold start issues for you since March 2023. Stated in an excerpt from AWS' docs:

For functions using unreserved (on-demand) concurrency, Lambda occasionally pre-initializes execution environments to reduce the number of cold start invocations. For example, Lambda might initialize a new execution environment to replace an execution environment that is about to be shut down. If a pre-initialized execution environment becomes available while Lambda is initializing a new execution environment to process an invocation, Lambda can use the pre-initialized execution environment.

· 4 min read
Ken Collins

After years of smashing Cloud & Rails together, I've come up with an idea. Better than an idea, a working specification! One where us Rails & Lambda enthusiasts can once again "console into" our "servers" and execute CLI tasks like migrations or interact via our beloved IRB friend, the Rails console. Today, I would like to present, the Lambda Console project. An open specification proposal for any AWS Lambda runtime to adopt.

· 4 min read
Ken Collins

I am incredibly happy to announcy Lamby v4 and a major update to our documentation website. Huge shout out to Docusaurus which has made in my opinion the best content-driven static site generator for open-source projects like our Lamby community.